Life in Urla... First a "good morning", then a little sunshine... A little love... A little solitude... Some warmth... A clear cool sea... The infinite generosity of nature...
A rebellion against the city followed by a peaceful sleep! The few examples mentioned above are definitely not sufficient to explain Urla...
To the West of İzmir, located at the start of the peninsula takes its name from the Latin and Greek word "Vourla" which means reed- bed...
Urla has hidden the signs of her multicultural past lives within the cobblestones or the streets, and among the rough stone walls of the old houses supporting secrets that fuel the imagination. With the ancient olive, fig, myrtle and bay trees, the unrivaled artichokes, bonds and exceptional wine and wine houses, the evergreen hills that smile upon the sun and the sea, Urla is once again celebrating this glorious life.
Klazomenia, the ancient city is the first in Anatolia to build a facility to produce olive oil. By the excavation work held in 1992 around the pier of Urla, that ancient facility got restorated and put in to service as a museum by 2005 in a letter-perfect form. Some of the ancient Kalzomenia's drawings on the olive oil cubes has been transfered to a tile art by Mehtap Süner Susuzlu that has been dressing up the walls of Mitera 1905...